Message from the Acting Principal

Message from the Acting Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

A warm welcome to back to Strathcona for Term 4 to all of our community, I trust all families enjoyed a refreshing and well-deserved 3-week school holiday.

Over the Term break a number of staff from our Senior Leadership Team attended the 2023 ACEL National Conference which was a leadership focused school conference aligning with the theme of "Learning from the past, leading for the future". I thought I would share some of the insights from one of the presenters, Mark McCrindle, who talked about one of McCrindle Research’s papers, *“Seven Disruptors Impacting the Future of Education”. To collate the data and insights, McCrindle Research interviewed around 500 teachers and educational leaders across Australia. I have selected the following two disruptors as I think they may be of most interest to our community. Some of these have been as a result of, or accelerated by our COVID experience.

Artificial Intelligence and technological change

6 in 10 teachers “views AI technologies as a tool to enhance students’ learning and development” (McCrindle Research, p.10)

The education sector is grappling with how to implement and transform their teaching to positively utilise AI effectively, meaningfully and from an evidence-based perspective. As educators, we have a responsibility to understand the impact of AI technologies, how we want students to learn, and how we can adapt to the future of education.

For Strathcona, we are continually engaging with what is happening in the education sector around these technologies to continually refine our understanding and our practice. There is a way to go in this space for us and the education sector.

Mental health and wellbeing

“With schools being one of the last remaining mediating institutions, they play a key role in shaping the conversation around mental health and wellbeing” (McCrindle Research, p.18)

The two key messages that McCrindle Research gathered from their data that schools and leaders could do were:

to model good language and how to use it when talking about mental health and educating students to be able to communicate how they are feeling.

provide opportunities and permission for students to fail, and through this, build their resilience.

For Strathcona, our Wellbeing teams are aware of their role in these two key messages and as part of our planning, teaching and programming have these as some of their goals.

McCrindle, M, Renton, S and Butcher, H. (2023). Seven disruptors impacting the future of education: Insights into the disruptors and opportunities shaping the future of the education sector. Norwest, NSW, McCrindle Research Pty Ltd.

We have much to celebrate and look forward to this term, including acknowledging and supporting our Year 12 students as they prepare for their final day at school and stand on the threshold of their VCE exams. As a community, we stand by you and we look forward to a successful and rewarding Term 4!

Tracy Herft
Acting Principal

Please note that going forward the Magnolia newsletter will now be published fortnightly. This change is aimed at optimising the quality of the newsletter content, ensuring that it remains a valuable resource for our community.

Message from the Head of Tay Creggan

A Message from the Head of Tay Creggan

We began Term 4, following a terrific Collingwood Premiership, talking about what constitutes success.

I asked all of the Year 9 students to reflect on what makes someone or something successful as we try to move away from the idea that you need to win or score 100% to feel successful. 

Success for students can be achieved through a combination of strategies and habits. Firstly, setting clear goals and priorities is essential. Time management plays a pivotal role; creating a study schedule, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and avoiding procrastination are crucial. Active engagement in classes, asking questions, and seeking help when needed can greatly enhance understanding and retention of information. Self-care is important too - adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet contribute to overall wellbeing. Lastly, fostering a growth mindset, embracing challenges, and learning from failures are integral to a student's journey toward success, as they promote resilience and continuous improvement.

Tomorrow, all students will be given a term planner and Ashlea Mills will talk to them about mapping out their program to suit their needs. We have included all due dates, exam days and deadlines, but we will be encouraging everyone to add to their planner.  

We are becoming increasingly concerned by many students' reactions when assessments are announced. In class assessment is a regular part of school and the heightened anxiety suggests a lack of resilience and an inability to complete work when given time at school. We will be tackling this issue firmly but fairly this term. 

On Tuesday, we were also fortunate to have Angela Martin from the Money Mentor program speak to Year 9s in Envision about managing their money. Angela spoke about banking, superannuation, credit cards, debt and savings, giving examples and scenarios to enable students to understand her messages. Students have also completed their Safe@Work certificate which can be included on their personal portfolio or resume.

TC has welcomed a few new staff this term:

Mr Ben Cooksley teaching Humanities, International Studies and Envision

Mr Hugh Fullarton teaching Creatives Music

Ms Glenda Lee - replacing Michelle Connolly in the Office for October.

Term 4 promises to be a busy, but hopefully rewarding term. We encourage all Year 9s to set themselves up to be successful and will be working with them along the way.


Message from Junior School Art

Junior School Art Exhibition

Strathcona is hosting its Junior School Art Exhibition on Wednesday the 18th of October. This year’s exhibition theme is ‘Alice and All Things Wonderful.’ The art pieces will showcase the talented work of Strathcona's ELC to Year 6 students.

Throughout the year, our students have explored a new unit each term that has investigated various artists, concepts and art techniques allowing their capabilities as young artists to grow and evolve. 

The event will include two silent auction pieces. One was produced by the Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4P students and the other by the Year 4M, Year 5 and Year 6 students. These pieces are beautifully framed wet-felted works with a floral garden theme. The proceeds will go towards the 2024 artist in residence program.

It is going to be a one of a kind magical event you don’t want to miss, where you will be immersed in the world of Alice in many different forms including a central installation. Come and support our talented artists as we unveil the works they have created and their imaginative vision. 

All are welcome, bring your family and friends to step into the rabbit hole and appreciate the art and hard work of our students! Alice in Wonderland costumes are encouraged. Don’t be late for a very important date register your attendance now.

To book your spot click here.

Olivia Siddaway

Junior School Art Teacher

Message from the Acting Head of Science

Science Awards

Congratulations to our Science students for their outstanding achievements at various Science Competitions during Term 2 and 3 this year.

These students have volunteered to participate in these optional competitions that were run by the Science Department during school hours, the results were based on their scores against the best science students from the country.

Australian Science Olympiad – Year 11 students

Vinny LiangChemistryHigh Distinction
Frances ChenChemistryDistinction
Cynthia ShiChemistryDistinction
Frances ChenPhysicsDistinction
Cynthia ShiPhysicsDistinction
Vinny LiangPhysicsDistinction
Stephanie TangPhysicsDistinction

Australian Science Olympiad – Year 7-10 students     

NameYear LevelAward
Jessica Tang10High Distinction
Angela Lai10Distinction
Emily Wang7Distinction

Big Science Competition – Year 7-10 students

NameYear LevelAward
Amelia McIntosh10High Distinction
Jessica Rozenkova7High Distinction
Penny Womersley7High Distinction
Sarah Slaney7High Distinction
Sophie Watson7High Distinction
Aaryn Chieng10Distinction
Charlotte Donaldson10Distinction
Khiet-Linh Nguyen10Distinction
Natasha Kohlman10Distinction
Olivia Ma10Distinction
Abigal Wilson8Distinction
Evelyn Menzies8Distinction
Alecia Bell7Distinction
Emily Wang7Distinction
Mahalia Ramachandran7Distinction
Sonia Markowsky7Distinction

STS: Science Talent Search – Year 8 Students

Name Award
Holly MajernikMinor bursary
Lucinda PerkinsDistinction
Jessica JanetzkiDistinction
Clara LuxtonDistinction
Yuxin YangDistinction

ICAS: International Competition and Assessments for Schools: Science Competition

NameYear LevelAward
Jessica Tang10Distinction
Selina Li9Distinction
Edilyn Wong9Distinction
Jessie Tang7Distinction
Emily Wang7Distinction

Andrew Scott
Acting Head of Science

Community Relations

Notice of the Strathcona Family Association (SFA) AGM

Wednesday 11 October 2023 7pm – Senior Campus Conference Room

The SFA Annual General Meeting will be held next Wednesday and the current Committee are always keen to encourage and recruit new members.

If you are interested, we encourage parents to join the committee and take an active role in supporting Strathcona.

You are most welcome to come along to an SFA meeting, which are held monthly, before joining. Please note you are not expected to attend all meetings during the year and this is not an onerous task.

The SFA provide wonderful support and contribute to Strathcona in many ways. Our parent volunteers are so important to our community.

Please contact me if you are interested in joining – or just come along to the AGM to find out more.

Spring Racing Lunch

Friday 27 October 2023

Don’t forget to book for the annual Strathcona Ladies Spring Racing lunch at Leonda by the Yarra. Limited places available!

Please join us for a beautiful afternoon with a guest speaker, entertainment, photo booth, lucky ticket draws as well as canapes on arrival and a delicious 2-course lunch and plenty of bubbles.

$145 per person (all inclusive). Please click here to reserve your place!

Please note tables will accommodate 10 guests.
RSVP by Wednesday 18 October 2023 for catering purposes.

Spring Racing Lunch Raffle Prize Donations

We are seeking further raffle prizes for the lunch and would be delighted to receive any donations from our Strathcona community. Please contact me if you are able to make a prize donation or if you have any questions.

The funds from the raffle will be donated back to Strathcona.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Strathy Angels – Term 4

During term 3, the Strathy Angels provided 18 meals, and fed 81 people in the Strathcona community! A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing effort.

The Term 4 roster is now up, link:

At this stage, we will be making 2 meals per week, for families of 4-5 people. This may increase if the need arises, so please check back in periodically throughout the term to see if there are any spots that need filling.

Many thanks in advance for your contribution. If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything Strathy Angels, please feel free to contact Tamara Pilkington -

News from Careers

Career News

Items in this Career News include - 

  • Dates to Diarise in Term 4
  • Reminder: VTAC 2024 Upcoming Key Dates  
  • Useful Tips for a University Degree Wannabe (UDW)
  • News from Monash University
    - New Monash Teaching Suitability Test (MTeST)
    - New Engineering Specialisation
  • News from Deakin University
    - Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Politics,    Philosophy and Economics
    - All New Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Business double degree
  • Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation
  • Psychiatrists and Psychologists: What's the Difference?
  • REIV -  Careers in Real Estate
  • Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Remedial Massage Degrees in Victoria in 2023 
  • Universities in Western Australia

Please click here for the full edition of Career News.

Xin Chen
Head of Careers and Pathways


Celebration of Sport 2023

ELC - Year 6 Art Exhibition 2023

You are warmly invited to an afternoon of Art and Conversation to explore the children's creativity and innovative ideas at the ELC - Year 6 Art Exhibition 'Alice and All Things Wonderful'.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

5.30pm - 7.30pm

Featherstone Hall

Refreshments and afternoon tea will be served

Book Here -

Alternative viewing times

Thursday 19 October 8.15am - 3.45pm

Friday 20 October 8.15am - 3.45pm

All guests are welcome to dress as their favourite Alice in Wonderland Characters!

Strathcona Parents Seminar

For the body confident children and teens presented by the Butterfly Foundation

This is a relaxed and informal seminar for parent and community members to give knowledge, practical information and tips on promoting positive body image in the home throughout childhood and adolescence.

The session explores why positive body esteem, non-dieting approaches and healthy behaviours in relation to food and exercise are strong protective factors.  It looks at the power of positive role modelling, reducing appearance based talk and importantly how to respond when a child expresses negativity towards themselves or others.  The focus is on prevention and fostering positive body image and healthy behaviours.

Bookings are essential for this parent seminar.


Monday 23 October 2023 7.00 PM - 8.30 PM 

Year 7 Foyer, Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar

To book, please visit

Strathcona Spring Racing Lunch

We are excited to again hold our annual Strathcona Ladies Spring Racing lunch at Leonda by the Yarra.

Please join us for a beautiful afternoon with a guest speaker, entertainment, photo booth, lucky ticket draws as well as canapes on arrival and a delicious 2-course lunch and plenty of bubbles.

Dress up in your racing gear and join the other Strathy mums.

$145 per person (all inclusive) and make sure you book early as places are limited.

Please note tables will accommodate 10 guests.

RSVP by Wednesday 18 October 2023 for catering purposes.

Book here -